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What is the Difference Between a Vitarka Mudra Buddha Statue and a Reclining Mudra Buddha?

What is the Difference Between a Vitarka Mudra Buddha Statue and a Reclining Mudra Buddha?

Buddha statue is a beacon of formidable energy that attracts positive energies and dispel negative energies. Different types of mudras of the Buddha help us attain different types of auras. Of course, the presence of a vitarka mudra Buddha idol would offer different kinds of results in comparison to a reclining or sleeping Buddha idol. We can also classify them on the grounds of their historical significance, their manifestation and different forms of Vastu rules that are required to be followed. 

Here, please allow us to throw some light over some of the key differences between two of the most popular mudras of the Buddha. When you decide to order Buddha statue online, it is important to learn which type of Buddha statues would be beneficial for your décor aesthetics and Vastu prerequisites in advance. 

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Let us look at the table below where we have bifurcated some of the major differences between vitarka Buddha and reclining Buddha statues - 

Criterion Vitarka Mudra Buddha Reclining Mudra Buddha
Origin Vitarka mudra Buddha, also known as teaching Buddha or knowledge Buddha portrayed this gesture while answering the questions of one of the disciples at Sarnath on the channelization of the knowledge and wisdom. The mudra was manifested by the Buddha during his final hours on Earth before attaining parinirvana at Khushinagar in India. It was the period that emancipated the Buddha from the cycle of life, birth and rebirth.
Appearance It is conventionally portrayed as a sitting Buddha statue with a circle of information, knowledge and wisdom formed by joining the thumb and index finger of the right hand with the remaining three fingers extended straight. As the term ‘reclining’ indicates, the mudra appears that of a sleeping Buddha with closed eyes with the head tilted upwards and the right hand kept underneath it.
Vastu and Feng Shui Effects The presence of a natural stone Buddha statue in vitarka mudra encourages wisdom, develops a sense of reality, uplifts energy, brings enlightenment, good luck and fortune. Sleeping Buddha statue is symbolic to your inner beliefs and composed state of mind. It channelizes the inner peace and brings harmony to your home.
Placement These statues are ideal for placement in the office premises, study rooms and libraries, auditoriums, schools, universities, colleges and cultural clubs. Preferably placed facing east, the direction of the rising sun. Place the reclining Buddha towards the right and facing the west. Ensure the placement on a console, clean table, pedestal or shelf. The sculpture is perfect for placement in both home and garden.

MUST READ: What is the Difference Between a Dhyana Mudra Buddha and an Anjali Mudra Buddha Statue?

From the table that has been drawn above, most of us can easily get an insight on the differences between a vitarka mudra Buddha statue and reclining mudra Buddha statue. You can place the order for these Buddha sculptures in different sizes. The Buddha statue that you buy from Stonemart™ India are high in terms of quality and durability including the ones hand carved out of 100% pure natural stone like marble and sandstone. 

The natural stone Buddha idols are free from different types of impurities and deemed perfect for Vastu and Feng Shui placements. Shop for white marble Buddha statues, black marble Buddha statues, sandstone Buddha statues, and Buddha fountains in different mudras. Place the order for natural stone 2 feet Buddha statue, natural stone 3 feet Buddha statue, natural stone 4 feet Buddha statue, natural stone 5 feet Buddha statue out of a flabbergasting collection of 100% bona fide ISO 9001:2015 and CE certified Buddha Ji statues. Reach now at Stonemart™ and come across the most enticing collection of luxury Buddha statues like never before!